Box Opening Supper

This year's Box-Opening took place in the Saloon on Thursday 19th April 2018. A large and appreciative gathering was treated to talks from two of the recipients of our BODY AND SOLE initiative: The Glasgow Schools Duke of Edinburgh Award schools, which received £5000 to purchase essential footwear for participants represented by manager Gary Condie and Paul Gess who runs the scheme at Smithycroft Academy, and the Glasgow Outdoor Resource Centre, whose director Dougie Shannon thanked us for the donation of £500 for the purchase of rock-climbing boots and gave an inspiring address on the programmes for vulnerable children and families run by the Centre.
Deacon Lennox presented awards to our Prizewinners from Glasgow School of Art as well as presenting a cheque to the Fashion Department for the purchase of a new sewing machine.

The three Apprentices of the Year from Muirheads/Scottish Leather Group were also presented with their awards. 

The speakers from the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme left us in doubt as to the high value they place on our assistance: Gary Condie, the DofE Coordinator and Paul Gess of Smithycroft Academy:

Our final speaker was Dougie Shannon of the Glasgow Outdoor Resource Centre:

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